Sunday, October 30, 2011

I love (rendering) leaves.....

Here is another leaf render.  Leaves are so great....they let you play with translucency, light, texture, reflection maps, etc.

This is using a couple of bitmaps for textures from (the great) Peter Guthrie.  I also should post my latest presentation boards soon, too.  If I can figure out how to make my 72"x72" presentation boards into a reasonable sized jpeg, I will post them.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A few odds and ends....

Here is a recent hand render along with a project that I designed for fun.  It's all based around a parametric family I made that has an option for 'horizontal shading = yes/no' and 'vertical shading = yes/'no'.  It was modeled in Revit with a adaptive curtain panel family and the exported to Max for a nice HDR environment iRay render.  It's actually for a class where we invent a fictional firm, so I decided to drop it onto the cover of Arch Record so we can say our firm got published ;-)

EDIT:  I figured out a way to have my curtain wall glass be wavy!  So here is the finished (or actually not so finished) result.  It's more of a work in progress.  I like the results though, even if there are some anomalies.

Revised Courtyard

After a crit the courtyard render changed substantially.  I'm very impressed with how iRay handles heavier geometry and complex lighting situations such as this.  I don't love it, yet, but it is a handy and fast renderer.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rainy Night render

I thought I'd get a recent render posted, too.

I decided to try out a rainy texture the other day.  I slapped it on some glass, messed with the settings over and over again, but I'm finally happy with the results.  It's great how a whole scene can just 'develop' because of curiosity about a new technique.  The only question I have now is: where is that guy going and what book is that?  Also, where do I get a couch like that!?

Nurbs based 3D Melon

Product Viz work is fun, particularly when your subject is a cantaloupe!  This is just a quick model I did for a class.  It was fun making this thing in Rhino, putting it into Max and then mapping it and rendering it.  I snagged the textures off a photo of a cantaloupe.  I had to take the perspective out and do what you always have to do with textures, but I'm happy with the result.

The displacement map gives a nice thickness to the skin.

Random thought:  I bet a cross section of a grape would be fun to render!  All kinds of weird refraction in that thing.

 iRay Render

iRay Render + Abstract Overlay