Saturday, October 13, 2012


First of all I really can't claim credit for this technique.  I got the idea from Bertrand Benoit's post on Two-Tone Trees (link).  More specifically I got the idea of using VRayDistanceTex to drive two-tone from a comment on BB's page by Mark Whelan.  Pure genius, thank you Mark and BB!

So basically what VRayDistanceTex does is say your have a 'Far Texture' and a 'Near Texture.'  Then you choose what object(s) you want to drive this distance and set a distance parameter (4' for example.)  So what I did is use a giant invisible (non-rendering but visible in viewport) sphere as my 'object.'  Then I assigned the VRay2Sided mat to my tree.  The diffuse was what is driven by VRayDistanceTex.  I've attached a material screenshot below along with some quick, sample renders.  Not the best tree but you get the idea.  It's based off a GrowFX sample with my own custom leaf material.

One nice thing about this technique is that its a super smooth gradient, so you actually get like 3 tones or more, depending on how different your two defined tones are.  I'm just struggling to define the falloff from the object, though.  There aren't that many parameters with VRayDistanceTex (just 'Distance' which is a number, not a map or anything) and I would have expected to see some kind of a graph or gradient to control the strength of the object as you get further away.  If you have ideas on this please comment!

Anyway, definitely check out BB's blog post on this, though, because he shows a totally different, more precise way of controlling color tone using the Vertexpaint modifier.

I could see using this in lots of ways...leafless branches, dead pine needles, things like that.  Fun!

Nice red's and yellows

Different lighting and tones...getting some green

Also this isn't using VRayDistanceTex, but its a closeup of the material that I thought I'd share:

Monday, August 13, 2012


Here are some pictures of the built project shown in the last set of renderings.  I'm also including an image of it just rendered out with VRay RT (a GPU based rendering side of VRay...meaning it uses your video card, not your CPU.)

I've actually been really pleased with how the rendering\architecture\viz side of my life is complementing my life as a furniture\cabinet maker now that I've spent a summer back in my shop.  VRay RT really, really speeds up the workflow too.  Unfortunately it doesn't support VRay Dirt, color corrections, etc. so you don't really get as nice a result as you might otherwise.  Oh well.


The legs protrude through the top

Board-and-batten back

An early render, pre-build for the client

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Paris Loft

For all three of you who have been wondering when I was going to post something next, here goes!

This is just a small sort of 'loft' scene that I'm 'placing' in Paris.  The skyline is Paris anyway.  One interesting thing about this is I just got done building the side table shown in the first image.  It's walnut and cherry.  A separate post about the construction of that, I think.

3dsMax + Vray as always plus some Photoshop.  I used GrowFX for the plant.  I modeled everything except the shoes and the lamp (which I did modified substantially) in Max from scratch.

This is the first scene where I've created nearly everything in the scene in Max without using others' models and also built up all my textures mostly from scratch (the carving I did with my tablet but the painting is not mine.)  I'm also a big believer in starting with an old texture (yours or someone else's) and subbing in new maps and settings.  The down side is time obviously but the upside is it's yours, all yours!

Anyway, enjoy!

EDIT:  Tweaked the first render a bit.  Changed lighting to HDR only, took away VRay sun.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


OK - So just a quick update.  I've been doing lots of 'test' scenes getting ready for a couple of big jobs later this summer.  Plus I'm just generally expanding my plant library and experience base.

All elements in these images are 3d.  I'm really trying to move away from photoshoped arch viz for now.  Just a stage :-)

Some more interesting scenes on the way in the next few days.

My High Poly Fir Tree

A practice 3d Scene.  Even the gravel!  Still working on this one.

Practice Grass.  Ignore the verticals in the foreground...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Practice makes....slightly better.

I thought I'd post a few images from this last week.  I've been practicing modeling in 3ds max.  While usually you don't have time to model all your contextual furniture from scratch in the heat of a studio\design project, I want to be able to if I have to.  For the Brewery project I modeled the Tolix chair in Rhino when I would have preferred to stay in Max.  It's easier than switching from program to program and keeps textures cleaner.

Anyway, I'll be posting a bit more in the coming days - hopefully some images from a recent project, a review of some software and possibly an update on my brewing.  Cheers!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Brewery Images

I thought I'd update with a few images from my studio last semester.  This was part of a 4 person team project (2 architecture students and 2 ID).  It was interesting collaborating with interior designers and seeing the design change and improve as a result.

For the renderings below I modelled the Tolix chairs and brew vats in Rhino.  The building was done in Revit and the renders were all VRay.  Some post work in PS of course.

I'll be posting more work soon including some GrowFX stuff.  Enjoy!